Here in the City of Davao, in partnership with the NURSING INSTITUTE for CONTINUING EDUCATION and BASIC LIFESAVING SOLUTIONS TRAINING CENTER, a hands-on workshop is to be held doing 5 basic life saving acts:
1. Standard First Aid
2. Health Care CPR with Automated External Defibrillator
3. ECG tracing
4. Basic intubation
5. Techniques in using Bag Valve Mask
If you ask when, it's on August 12-14, 2010 at Bahay Alumni, Brokenshire College, Madapo Hills, Davao City. As a healthcare provider, the following will be your benefit: 1 First Aid ECSI (Emergency Care and Safety Institute) U. S. A. Completion Card, 1 Healthcare CPR Provider ECSU U. S. A. Completion card - both valid for 2 years, 1 wall Certificate of Completion for First Aid and Healthcare CPR, and 1 wall Certificate of Attendance ACLS Seminar (Basic ECG and Basic Intubation Technique).
It's a powerful set of workshop - earning essentials of basic and advanced cardiac life support with other factors in saving lives in a very affordable and reasonable amount: P3, 500 - pre-registration fee (until August 6, 2010) and P 4, 000 - onsite fee. This is inclusive of 3 days meals and snacks, hand-outs.
For inquiries and registration: feel free to contact - Rolan Carmona, RN, MAN (09089238787) and Nur Atari, RN (09072569600).
NOTE: This program is accredited by the Emergency Care and Safety Institute and American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP). For verification you may click the link ECSI.