Note: The photo might be something that will harm the identity of the persons involve yet I intend not of harming/making fun of any individual. I just want to comment on this unusual scene I've seen.
As you'll observe, the scene is inside a jeepney, the major means of transportation in the country. It's running 100kph and it stops to pick up more passengers.
While inside the jeepney, I was fascinated by what this passenger infront of me was doing. She had a paper bag beside her where all her 'kikay things' (it's a girl thing) were put. I tried to observe until when she's going to apply the make up on her face. There were 15 minutes already since she was applying make-up while the jeepney was moving. She started with applying powder and ended with her lipstick. I captured this photo a minute before she's done.
I laughed inside of me. I asked myself if what's the problem of this lady... Why is she applying make-up inside the jeepney and not while she's home? Well, these questions were unanswered as I only observe her. She don't even mind people staring at her. She's lucky enough that there were only a few passengers inside the jeepney. GOodluck for the next encounter of such a talent inside the jeepney.
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