Sunday, April 26, 2009

Is Seminar a Reading Session?

Most of the seminars I've attended, the speakers were reading all of the time and just translate the english words into the dialect. Hmmm... Can we consider it seminar?

According to Encarta dictionaries:


1. meeting on specialized subject: a single session or short, often one-day meeting devoted to presentations on and discussion of a specialized topic, usually at an advanced or professional level

2. specialized educational class: a course of specialized graduate or undergraduate study under faculty supervision, in which ideas, approaches, and advances are regularly shared among participants

3. meeting of students and academic supervisor: a meeting of university or college students for study or discussion with an academic supervisor, or the group that participates in it"

Hmmm.. With these definitions, I can say that it's for the purpose of learning... It's a discussion in a professional and expert level. But reading the materials most of the time doesn't show the expertise on the subject matter talked about. The things may be discussed but confidence is lacking that makes boredom during the seminar. The seminar should be a fun learning experience because most of the time seminars are paid by the participants so there's a need of outstanding way to make the seminar effective and worthy.

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