Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Not All Feet Are Perpendicular to the Floor in a Mall

Most of the time, a mall teeming with people will have all customers standing or walking with feet perpendicular to the floor. Some will be sitting yet their feet still perpendicular to the floor.

To my surprise, last March 14 (part of the weeklong celebration of Araw ng Dabaw) in a mall where celebrities came to join the merriments of the city, I never thought that a foot will be parallel to the floor even people are trying to insert themselves in a very crowded place. For sure, any one who does that will be pushed and stepped on. Whoa... just look at the picture of this entry. You'll be amazed of this talent. :))

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Is Seminar a Reading Session?

Most of the seminars I've attended, the speakers were reading all of the time and just translate the english words into the dialect. Hmmm... Can we consider it seminar?

According to Encarta dictionaries:


1. meeting on specialized subject: a single session or short, often one-day meeting devoted to presentations on and discussion of a specialized topic, usually at an advanced or professional level

2. specialized educational class: a course of specialized graduate or undergraduate study under faculty supervision, in which ideas, approaches, and advances are regularly shared among participants

3. meeting of students and academic supervisor: a meeting of university or college students for study or discussion with an academic supervisor, or the group that participates in it"

Hmmm.. With these definitions, I can say that it's for the purpose of learning... It's a discussion in a professional and expert level. But reading the materials most of the time doesn't show the expertise on the subject matter talked about. The things may be discussed but confidence is lacking that makes boredom during the seminar. The seminar should be a fun learning experience because most of the time seminars are paid by the participants so there's a need of outstanding way to make the seminar effective and worthy.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Presidentiables Making Their Move

Aspiring to take the top post in the Philippines, some presidentiables are starting to air their television ads that smells 'CAMPAIGNING'. It's very early to do campaigning for the elections next year. All of which are from the Opposition Party: Sen. Mar Roxas, Sen. Manny Villar and Mayor Jejomar Binay.

Making their ads aired as early as this season means so much to them to be known - in line for making their names afloat than other presidentiables.

If I'm to ask them, how much are they spending for those ads? Who's money are they using for it?

TV Ads... an expensive way of reaching towards the common mass. Should the common mass easily be gotten by these ads or should we know first their achievements year on year? Of course, it's much important to know their achievements - and i mean this as their work and not plainly debating. Debating would be one of the means in making their move but where could have their money been used if they only debate or rally?

In the coming months, more and more politicians aspiring for a position in the country will sprout. Dear Pinoy, study them and you'll know who's right for the position.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

No Diagonal Sitting?

Jeepneys are the major mean of transportation in the major streets in the Philippines. There are large jeepneys that are capacitated of bringing 20 passengers while some small jeepneys (multicab) can accomodate only 13 passengers.

At times that passengers enjoy seeing the view outside the vehicle, there's a moment that the passenger will sit at a diagonal angle. It will be a consumption of space on a small jeepney or multicab. What's funny there is that though a passenger knows that the jeepney is full, he/she insists a diagonal sitting position and he/she is the one who's very mad if requested to sit properly.

This is just a common incident inside a jeepney. I thought that it's only No Diagonal Parking for parking spaces should be known to everyone, but it also needs to emphasize No Diagonal Sitting inside a jeepney to minimize space consumption.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


This is my new blog niche. MYPOVNOW stands for "My Points of View Now".

We do have a lot of issues around the globe we can talk about and give our very own point of view. I used 'MY' but you can also put your comments of your own points of view in this blog. The topic would be mixed; it could be a political issue, entertainment issue or any ordinary day issue that we see in the major streets.

I do hope that you'll enjoy reading and putting your comments in this blog.