Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Techniques to Learn in Saving Lives: Join a Hands-on Workshop

Every individual has to be knowledgeable about doing basic life support and other mechanisms to allow an individual stay alive. It is because the community or even the very own family is the basic arm for saving lives especially when it comes to cardio-pulmonary failure.

Here in the City of Davao, in partnership with the NURSING INSTITUTE for CONTINUING EDUCATION and BASIC LIFESAVING SOLUTIONS TRAINING CENTER, a hands-on workshop is to be held doing 5 basic life saving acts:
1. Standard First Aid
2. Health Care CPR with Automated External Defibrillator
3. ECG tracing
4. Basic intubation
5. Techniques in using Bag Valve Mask

If you ask when, it's on August 12-14, 2010 at Bahay Alumni, Brokenshire College, Madapo Hills, Davao City. As a healthcare provider, the following will be your benefit: 1 First Aid ECSI (Emergency Care and Safety Institute) U. S. A. Completion Card, 1 Healthcare CPR Provider ECSU U. S. A. Completion card - both valid for 2 years, 1 wall Certificate of Completion for First Aid and Healthcare CPR, and 1 wall Certificate of Attendance ACLS Seminar (Basic ECG and Basic Intubation Technique).

It's a powerful set of workshop - earning essentials of basic and advanced cardiac life support with other factors in saving lives in a very affordable and reasonable amount: P3, 500 - pre-registration fee (until August 6, 2010) and P 4, 000 - onsite fee. This is inclusive of 3 days meals and snacks, hand-outs.

For inquiries and registration: feel free to contact - Rolan Carmona, RN, MAN (09089238787) and Nur Atari, RN (09072569600).

NOTE: This program is accredited by the Emergency Care and Safety Institute and American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP). For verification you may click the link ECSI.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

A New Look of

After two years, I'm back blogging on this site of mine. I decided to make some changes on the theme that I used.

Simple yet elegant, that's a way to simplicity with beauty. LOL

It is easier to browse over the pages and a lot of spaces that could be utilized.

Fair enough and not irritating to the eyes. :)

Folders on Top

Folders, we often use these to organize and compile documents with proper labels as a school requirement or office document. But it is not only for those functions, I, for myself, use it to submit application letters and résumé to prospective hospitals for a job.
Last year, I am able to enter in a public hospital as a volunteer nurse, and I am surprised that female nurses use folders in a different way and not only for compiling documents. They make use of the white plastic folders as nurse’s cap.

Usually, female nurses in the hospital, especially in the ward, wear caps to identify them as nurses and be addressed properly.

How do they make the cap? It is simple like A, B and C. They only use few affordable office materials such as the white folder, scissors, and stapler or glue. The folder is then cut on some parts of it, then folds it and staple or glues it. There you go, there is a new nurse’s cap made out of a folder. If you look at it, it is cheaper, harder and will not be easily stained than a cloth made nurse’s cap.

As for some nurses, purchasing for a cloth made nurse’s cap is not budget friendly. Hence, finding creative ways to keep the tradition of wearing a cap continue, this one is surely a practical way, especially today that the people are tightening buckles.